Iman D. Nugroho
The Taman Dayu Club melakukan kegiatan "gila" Minggu (8/2/09) lalu. Bagaimana tidak, colf course terbaik di kawasan Pandaan, Pasuruan ini mengusung "Tembok Besar Cina". Tidak hanya itu, The Taman Dayu Club sekaligus membawa "pahlawan" dari daratan Tiongkok. Mungkin di dunia golf, hanya The Taman Dayu Club-lah golf course yang bisa melakukannya. Semua terjadi dalam acara bertajuk Heroes From the Great Wall.
Sebagaimana temanya, Heroes From the Great Wall laksana mengusung seluruh daratan China ke Pasuruan. Dalam event itu, seluruh awak The Taman Dayu Club pun “wajib” berbusana layaknya tokoh-tokoh dinasti kerajaan China. “Kami seperti sedang berada di China, lucu juga ya kalau setiap hari harus berpakaian seperti ini,” kata J. Johny Budiono, General Manager The Taman Dayu Club pada The Birdie. Johny sendiri saat itu menggunakan pakaian Raja China abad XVI.
Tak hanya Johny, Golf Operation Manager Denie Robin, Golf Course Superintendent Rolan Basa Napitupulu, HRD Manager Diah Gardenia hingga Marketing Communication Melania Octavianti pun berbusana bak putra dan putri bangsawan China. Kehadiran nuansa China pun semakin kental dengan desain panggung dan asesoris di Jack’s Golfer’s Terrace Restaurant dan Jack’s Bar. Tebaran lampion dan pernak-pernik merah dan kuning memperkuat nuansa itu.
Nuansa China itu juga yang membuat 144 golfer yang saat itu berlaga, tampil lebih fresh. Meski angin besar dan hujan datang menerjang, para golfer pun dengan gagah berani menaklukannya. “Angin besar mengganggu banget, namun saat itulah waktu bagi golfer untuk mengerahkan semua kemampuannya, plus feeling tentunya,” kata Sudirman, salah satu golfer. Dalam event itu, Sudirman berhasil meraih Overall Best Gross. Penghargaan tertinggi dalam turnamen ini.
Nuansa oriental semakin kental saat acara penyerahan hadiah digelar. Dibuka dengan peragaan tari Barongsai dan Liang Liong, kemeriahan pun dimulai. Kepiawaian tiga Barongsai dan Liang Liong dari Masyarakat Kong Hu Cu Indonesia (Makin) Boen Bio Surabaya itu seakan tak henti-henti menciptakan applause. Apalagi, saat Barongsai menunjukkan kebolehannya dengan menari di kayu bersusun tiga. Usai Barongsai dan Liang Liong, sajian bernuansa oriental seperti dance dan lagu-lagu cina tersaji dengan apik. Para golfer yang ingin memberikan angpao pun tidak menyia-nyiakan event itu. Gong xi fat chai!
The Golf heroes from China
The Taman Dayu Club conducted "mad" activities on Sunday (8/2/09) ago. How not, best Golf courses in the Pandaan area, Pasuruan carry on this "the Great Wall China." Not only that, The Taman Dayu Club brought "heroes" from mainland China at the same time. Perhaps in the golf world, The Taman Dayu Club is the only golf course that can do so. All occur in the event titled Heroes from the Great Wall.
As the theme, Heroes from the Great Wall is like carry on the entire mainland China to Pasuruan. In that event, the entire crew of The Taman Dayu Club was "obliged" dressed in as figures kingdom China dynasty. "We are like in China, it is also funny if every day should be dressed like this," said J. Johny Budiono, General Manager of The Taman Dayu Club on The Birdie. Johny was dressed in as the King of China's XVI century at the time.
Not only Johny, Golf Operations Manager Denie Robin, Golf Course Superintendent Rolan Basa Napitupulu, HRD Manager Diah Gardenia to Marketing Communication Melania Octavianti also dressed in as a China noble son and daughter. The presence of China nuance is also more viscous with the stage design and accessories in the Jack's Golfer's Terrace Restaurant and Jack's Bar. The Lampion Spread and trinkets red and yellow strengthen the nuance.
Nuance of china also made 144 Golfer whose fight in, appeared fresh. Although the big wind and rain came, the Golfer conquered bravely. "The great wind is disturbed, but it is time for the Golfer to mobilize all abilities, plus of course feeling," said Sudirman, one of Golfer. In that event, Sudirman reach Overall Best Gross successfully. The highest award in this tournament.
Oriental Nuance is more viscous when the handover prize ceremony held. Opened with the Barongsai dance and Liang Liong, the shindig started. The three skills Barongsai and Liang liong from Masyarakat Kong Hu Cu Indonesia (Makin) Boen Bio Surabaya is seemingly not stopping create applause. Moreover, when Barongsai shows ability with dancing in the three woods composite. After Barongsai and Liang Liong, Oriental nuanced dish, such as dance and songs served with slick. The Golfer who wants to give angpao is not dissipating the event. Gong xi fat chai!